Cholesterol levels - Balance Wellness Clinic

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is found in all cells of the body. Your body needs some cholesterol to make hormones, vitamin D, and substances that help you digest foods. There are two main types of cholesterol:

When getting your cholesterol checked, it's important to fast for 9-12 hours beforehand. This gives a clear picture of your cholesterol levels. Some things that can affect cholesterol levels include: To lower cholesterol, lifestyle changes like diet, exercise, and weight control are recommended first. If cholesterol levels remain high, medication may be needed. The most commonly prescribed cholesterol-lowering medications are statins. At Balance Wellness Clinic, we provide customized treatment plans to help patients lower high cholesterol and reduce heart disease risk. Our expert physicians and nutritionists take a holistic approach, using lifestyle changes, supplements, medication, and advanced testing to give patients a complete cholesterol care program. We aim to reduce the need for lifelong statin use through natural methods whenever possible. In summary, cholesterol is a substance your body needs but having high LDL or low HDL levels can increase risk of heart disease and stroke. Getting tested while fasting gives an accurate picture of cholesterol levels. Lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, weight, and smoking affect cholesterol. If levels are high, medications or supplements may be used, but lifestyle changes should be tried first. At Balance Wellness Clinic, our cholesterol experts provide personalized care combining natural and medical methods to help patients optimize cholesterol levels and reduce heart disease risk.

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