Hypogonadism - Balance Wellness Clinic

Hypogonadism is a condition where the body doesn't produce enough testosterone. This can happen because of a problem with the testicles or with the pituitary gland that controls the testicles. There are two main types of hypogonadism:

Some common symptoms of hypogonadism include: Hypogonadism can reduce a man's quality of life. The good news is it can often be successfully treated. The first step is getting blood tests to check your testosterone levels. Your doctor may also check other hormone levels like FSH and LH. If tests confirm you have low testosterone, treatment options include: Lifestyle changes like eating a healthy diet, exercising, reducing stress, and getting quality sleep can also help manage hypogonadism. If you think you may have low testosterone, see a doctor to get evaluated and treated. The sooner hypogonadism is addressed, the better you'll feel and the lower your risks for health problems like osteoporosis. At Balance Wellness Clinic, we specialize in treating hypogonadism and other hormone conditions. Our experienced physicians provide customized treatment plans to help you restore optimal hormone levels. We offer cutting-edge therapies like testosterone pellets along with nutrition and lifestyle counseling. Hypogonadism can really impact a man's physical and emotional health. But the good news is, with proper testing and treatment, low testosterone can be corrected. Lifestyle changes combined with medications, hormone therapy or surgery can help men with hypogonadism get back to vitality. If you're dealing with symptoms of low testosterone, reach out to your doctor or a hormone health specialist. There are solutions available to get your hormones balanced again.

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